Minggu, 21 September 2008

Kerala photos: Butterflies of Olavipe

It is fascinating to watch butterflies. These insects of the order Lepidoptera are mostly day fliers. Their graceful but erratic flight and the brightly colored wings of different patterns attract immediate attention. They go from flower to flower, pollinating them. One could spend hours observing the butterflies.

But trying to photograph them is a different matter. It requires a great deal of patience and running around. You try to focus the camera on a butterfly which is about to settle on a flower. Suddenly it changes course and moves elsewhere and you chase it. The process could be repetitive and finally one gets tired and gives up.

Some of the photos I managed to take at Olavipe, are given here.

I read somewhere long ago that butterfly was originally called ‘flutter by’. Quite an appropriate name, I must say.

Also see:

Garden photos: Lantanas of Olavipe

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