Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Growing up with granddaughter

Yesterday when I started watching the Wimbledon semi-finals between Murray and Roddick, my second son’s daughter Nonee (Annie) was playing chess with her aunt. Soon their game was over and the little granddaughter asked me whether I wanted to play. I was more interested in watching tennis.

After a while Nonee came with a small torch, held it close to my mouth without switching on and started asking questions. I knew she was simulating an interview, and played along.

It went on like something like this:

Nonee(N): Do you play chess?

Me (M): Used to.

N: How good were you?

M: Okay at college level.

N: Why don’t you play now?

M: Difficult to concentrate.


N: You seem to like tennis better.

M: I like tennis also.

N: Have you played tennis?

M: Yes.

N: Where?

M: Home, college, club.

(The next question I had anticipated did not come.)

N: Who do you think will win today? Murray?

M: Roddick is playing better.

N: But who do you want to win?

M: The better player.

N: That’s a smart answer.

M: I’m a smart chap.

N: You are. Thank you.

M: Thank you.

N (moments later): Did you know that you were interviewed live?

M: That’s not fair. You should have warned me.

N: Then it wouldn’t have been so natural.

M: I could have put on some makeup.

N: That’s okay. You looked fine.

M: Thank you.

N: You’re welcome.

The granddaughter took my mobile phone and pretended dialing. Then she gave me a big grin and said: Know what? Millions of people all over the world watched you.

M: Really?

N: Yes, all the people in my imaginary world.

That was it. A child’s imagination! Absolutely fascinating. When my kids were small I didn’t have so much time to spend with them. Now it is different. And I am learning many things from the grandchildren. Their range of knowledge is so much higher than mine at their age.

Recently, while preparing the post Photos: More of pastoral Olavipe

I couldn’t get the right word for frog’s eggs. Usually in such situations I ask my wife. (That is easier than looking up In this instance she couldn’t recall either.

Nonee who was overhearing cut in: Why don’t you ask me? I did that and pat came the answer: Spawn.

A year back this granddaughter showed me how to unlock parental lock on TV. No one had thought of setting a code, so it is ‘0000’. Now we must change that.

Later this month Nonee would be 10.

Also see:

My Valentine’s Day

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